Teamwork Brainstorming Meeting and new startup project in workplace, Quality successful work concept, vintage effect.

Veridical RCM Featured in Healthcare Tech Outlook

Veridical RCM and CEO Melissa A. Hanley were featured recently in Healthcare Tech Outlook, a print magazine offering healthcare decision makers critical information on adopting innovation and enhancing their capability…
IONM Chargemaster

IONM Chargemaster…what is it really?

One of the topics that I’m asked about most frequently is how to set an appropriate chargemaster. For those readers that are unfamiliar, the chargemaster is the summary document or…
The business of IONM

The business of IONM…

I’ve had the pleasure of reading many posts, articles and thoughts from many bright and talented individuals and groups on the clinical aspects of intraoperative neuromonitoring. Being in the business of healthcare,…